December 25, 2007

A New Year with a new look!

The Safety is Sexy Campaign has been booming with activity in 2007 - Thanks to your support!

Over the past year we have sent out more than 3000 stickers to people throughout the States, Canada, the UK, France and Brazil. With more than 20 requests a day in recent weeks, The Safety is Sexy Campaign is excited to sit down and think about our wish list for 2008:
  • Expand 'You'd look hotter in a helmet' merchandise to include t-shirts and sweatshirts

  • Offer bike tours and other fun-fundraisers

  • Find additional sources of funding - like grants (any suggestions!?)

  • Expand the campaign beyond the internet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of new merchandise and marketing...if you need any posters or shirts designed, give me a holla. J. Barker knows where to find me, and can vouch for my pristine skills ;)